Tuesday, April 19, 2011

11st class

Swiss Design & The International Typographic Style
more than just grids
visual unity achieved by asymmetrical organization
use of objective photography san serif type, flush left, rag right
mathematica grids
being socially useful

we can see the trace back from early design movement such as the bauhaus and constructivism

suprematism is about pure feeling about art
construcivism is about making thing useful, the Bauhaus is about making thing useful in the home, better bulidings, clear communication

more important than the appearance is attitude!

Design as a socially useful and important activity!


max bill is involved in the planning of the institute of design in germany
ulm is important because it was a school notable for its inclusion of semiotics as a field of study.

the philosophical theory of signs and symbols, what things mean in relationship to other things.
semantics-meaning or referred to
pragmatics-how it is used

Ferdinand de Saussure
Dyadic Model

Charles Sanders Peirce
Triadic Model


If u design

Adrian Frutiger, born in 1928 create the universe alphabet in three years.
Does away the with the traditional Roman system, and uses a numbering system instead.
Univers logical, systematic, and sans serif. able to get tremendous variation while using the same family of fonts.

Armon Hoffman still alive
create archaic swiss style
develops a system of relationships and contrasting elements
if you design the negative space, the rest will work.
the negative space is an active component of any composition.

Josef Muller Brockman Consistently Sues implied Grits and objective imagery
used same mathematical structure for many different posters show the flexibility of grid, used grids as the art.

der Film

three math poster give u flexibility.

I am a Swissy

Beethoven concert

Paul Rand use imagery to introduce the concept of Christmas and War

uses dots to convey different semiotic meanings
what is the simplest thing to get the idea across?
frequently signs work, cuts paper and uses hand made media/collage, less refined
designed original UPS logo
design is the synthesis of form and content

Saul Bass main title design
Designed the opening titles for many Alfred Hitchcock films

Swiss Design is amazing concept by using grids and structure. it very charming to look at it, I love looking at Swiss design because it always feels like the design is bold and delicious, so perfect that every element is in the best possible place in order to communicate the message. it feel bold and delicious. the use of system, grids, and font families also allows designers break a rule and maintaining a confident and stable feel. it really amazing that Swiss Design had a great influence on industry, doesn't matters what kind of form, you can always apply Swiss design ides to communicate differently.
Swiss Designer such as Joesph Muller Brockman, Adrian Frutiger, Armon Hoffman, Saul Bass, they are the pioneer of Swissy, their work change the new generation of designer or artist.

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